Judges Education Seminar and Mentor Policies and Guidelines:
The Chinese Shar-Pei Club of America Judges’ Education Program was created for the purpose of helping to educate AKC licensed judges, prospective judges or anyone else who is interested in learning the AKC standard for the breed. However if attendance has to be limited, judges will be given priority. Per AKC policy no more than 40 attendees are allowed and 1 mentor to 10 judges is the ratio. No single written guide or presentation will ever be comprehensive enough to be the only learning tool utilized in preparation for judging any breed. This seminar offers educational opportunity to broaden the judge’s basic knowledge and to provide an opportunity for hands on examinations. Seminars and workshops are counted as separate components by AKC.
All CSPCA Judges Education presentations and ringside mentoring must be given by a CSPCA approved mentor only.
- Policy AKC requirements for Parent Club Seminars and Workshops as of April 1, 2006
A seminars sole purpose is to present information essential to judge that breed. To be AKC compliant the following is required:
• There is a 90 minute or longer presentation that includes history, form and function of the breed, an in-depth consideration of the standard and a question and answer period.
• The presenter and content are Parent Club Approved whenever possible.
• One or two live dogs are available for illustration and examination.
• Class size should be limited to 40
• Attendance must be certified and reported to Judging Operations at AKC
Another component will be counted for attendance at an accompanying breed-specific hands-on workshop providing it is a clinical extension of a seminar and has the following components:
• A discussion of the proper prioritization of breed characteristics precedes the hands on portion.
• There is a 60 minute or longer period that includes instructions on how to properly effect a breed specific examination.
• There is the occasion to rank exhibits presented and explain placements to mentors.
• Mentor/participant ratio should not exceed 1:10.
• A minimum of four dogs/bitches per group must be present. All must be at least six months of age. No dog/bitch may be examined by more than 20 individuals per day.
• Attendance must be certified and reported to Judging Operations by the Presenter.
• The following forms must be submitted to Judging Operations: Seminar and Hands-On Workshop Report, Hands-On Workshop Breed Evaluation and Seminar Attendance list. These reports can be found on the AKC website at
Judge Education Chairman Responsibilities
• Keep Judges’ Education yahoo group list current and maintain files.
• Reviewing applications. If qualifications are met the application will be sent to the JE Committee for review.
• Coordinate the national specialty seminar and workshop.
• Contacting a CSPCA approved mentor in the requested location to coordinate the seminar/workshop or mentoring.
• Providing the presenter with CSPCA approved seminar materials or directing them how to obtain them if needed.
• Maintaining a data base of judges or prospective judges who have attended a seminar or had ring side mentoring.
• Review mentoring forms and presentation materials on an annual basis for needed changes or updates and forwarding them to the committee members for review.
• Randomly contacting seminar participants for a review of the mentor and presentation.
• Create certificates of attendance (and mail) within 10 days of receipt of the attendance list from presenter if any attendees were not pre-registered.
Presenters Responsibilities
• Schedule the event with the host club
• Send the AKC seminar registration to the JEC Chair at least 3 months prior to seminar date. This is required to get the seminar printed in the Gazette and posted to the AKC website.
• Coordinate all physical arrangements for holding the seminar including location, time, projector, laptop computer if presenter does not have one, projector screen, refreshment arrangements, ramp. Print the necessary paperwork from the JEC files. If the mentor does not have the capability to print necessary forms they can request the forms from the chairman at least 3 weeks in advance of the seminar. Copies of all of these will be on the JE Yahoo files and links to the AKC website where the AKC documents can be located are listed above.
In addition to the items that need to be printed for the judge’s packets (below) the mentor needs to print the following items:
Administrative forms the mentor needs to print and send if required prior to a seminar:
• An attendance form – have all attendees provide name and contact information. Send this to JEC chair after the seminar.
• Copy of AKC Seminar and Hands-on Workshop Report
• Answer key for the quiz
• Seminar certification form
The following items are to be in a Judge’s seminar packet:
• Printed slides of the DVD with lines for notes (in 4 parts on JEC files)
• A copy of Hands-On Workshop Breed Evaluation for each attendee
• Copy of mentor evaluation for each attendee
• AKC ringside observation form Copy of illustrated standard booklet
• Copy of breed standard
• Breed Quiz
• Mail judges packets to pre-registered attendees approximately 10 days before the seminar if possible.
• Create extra packets for potential unregistered attendees.
• Send the list of participants including contact information to Judges Education Chairman for issuing attendance certificates within 10 days after the seminar.
• Arrange for dogs for the hands on session.
• Schedule ring side mentoring if possible.
• Coordinate refreshments with host club.
• Wear name badge during mentoring activities.
• It is recommended to rope off the ring side mentoring area or to restrict entrance in some way and to post a sign “Mentoring in Progress”. A sign is available on the JEC yahoo list files.
• Present DVD; discuss history, form and function. Have a Q&A session. (total 90 minutes) • Conduct hands on workshop and have each attendee fill out the Breed Evaluation form and place the dogs based on what they have learned. Provide time for the attendees to discuss their placements. Breed evaluation form and placement document on JEC files
• Give the Shar-Pei Breed Quiz.
• Send certification paperwork and attendance form to AKC and provide a copy to the Judges Education Chairman within 10 days of seminar.
• Please send mentor evaluation forms given to the judges to J.E Chairman within 10 days of seminar.
I understand that as a Breed Mentor for the Chinese Shar-Pei Club of America I am to accept the responsibility of educating judges on the breed standard to the best of my ability and to follow all of the policies and guidelines in this document. I will present a teaching program for attendees without personal preference to coat type or color, and without promoting any particular bloodline or kennel. I will present a program in a POSITIVE manner. When discussing a particular dog I will be sensitive to the owner or handler of the dog and not criticize any attributes of their dog without their prior knowledge of what is going to be discussed about their dog.
I fully understand that accepting the responsibility of Breed Mentor does NOT lend itself the allowance for self promotion, but rather is meant to help educate and clarify breed specifics for judges intending to apply for licensure from the AKC for the Chinese Shar-Pei.
I understand I am responsible for providing all attendees with the proper forms as stated in section 3 “presenters responsibilities.”
Should the JEC receive two or more negative reports or complaints by attendees or other mentors on the quality of the seminars, attitude of the presenter or the failure to follow the accepted program I understand that I may risk losing my status as Breed Mentor for the CSPCA.
Judges Education Mentor Application: Download application, complete and forward to the current Judges Education Committee Chairperson.
Click Here for Application
Judges Education Mentor Requirements for CSPCA:
Requirements to be a Chinese Shar-Pei Club of America approved Judges Education Mentor Effective January 1, 2011
• 12 years of documented experience with the breed.
• A CSPCA member in good standing for at least 10 years. A lapse of membership will be considered if all other requirements are met.
• Able to provide documentation of having been the breeder of record of 4 litters (CSPCA, AKC or CKC).
• Able to provide documentation of having been the breeder of record of 4 champions (CSPCA, AKC or CKC).
• Must be an AKC breeder judge of the Shar-Pei OR a breeder meeting the requirements set forth by AKC judges approval (either method) http://www.akc.org/pdfs/pjdg02.pdf and provide the documentation.
• Applicant must have attended a CSPCA approved Judges Education Seminar or Breed study group OR be willing to attend one before they can present a seminar.
• The Applicant must be willing to present only CSPCA approved seminar materials and present according to the committee and AKC requirements.
• An applicant must have attended the CSPCA national specialty once within the last 5 years.
• Having the flexibility necessary to accept mentoring requests and being able to travel 200 miles to the seminar or mentoring location.
• Must have the ability to present a 90 minute program in front of a group of people and discuss history, form, and function and the standard of the breed.
• Be prepared to present an in-depth seminar based on the standard and not let personal preferences to type, coat, color or blood lines influence the presentation or answers to questions. Promotion of one’s own dogs or accomplishments is not acceptable.
• Must be able to conduct a 60 minute or longer hands on workshop based on the standard
• The applicant needs to be computer literate including being able to download and print forms, participate in the judge’s education yahoo list and able to present a power point program using a laptop computer and projector. Ideally they should be able to copy the CSPCA DVD and be able to reproduce all materials that are to be in the judge’s education packet.
• Applicant must complete and sign the breed mentor application. • Mentors must be willing to adhere to CSPCA code of ethics.
• Mentors must agree to not intentionally breed to produce dogs outside of the AKC Shar-Pei standard ie: spotted, brindle, bear coat, miniature, etc
• Approval of a mentor is by 3 of the 5-committee members including approval by the committee chair.
• Mentors agree that refusal to comply with the rules and requirements set forth by the Judges’ Education Committee may result in the loss of the privilege to be a CSPCA mentor.